Dum Surfer... Don't Suffer...

What's up, dude?

I decided I wanted to put all my surfing needs in here. So, that's what you get. And you may be wondering: why the hell is the text aligned to the right side?... well, if you're new here, welcome! The name is SAW and I love the Cabedelo wave. It's a right hander, so the first mystery's already out of the way. And although it breaks next to a rocky jetty, making it look extra scary on the scary days, fear not. This jetty is better than any Uber ride you'll ever get. It takes you straight out the back, as long as you don't stop paddling, otherwise you could end up becoming one of those rocks. I guess this is just my surf blog and it also serves as a cuter site to check out the webcam since beachcam (turd) always has shitty ads and now they're even trying to push a "premium" thing to avoid them... LOL! you'll find the stream on the forecast page of this site, with no visual pollution. just plain old Cabedelo :)

also, this is a work in progress... might take a while


I'm a 24 year old dude who likes to do a ton of shit because of chronic restlessness. Surfing is top priority, so if there's quality waves I will probably be gone for some time... if you see me on the beach at 3 pm on a work day then you better stop hallucinating, cuz both me and my b0ss know I was workin at that time, mkay? Anyawy, other than that I go skatin down the friggin road when there's no waves; cinema when theres something worth watching; programming shitware; cookin' pasta; and, ocasionally, video games. These things make me happy.

Since I'm sitting on my BUTT here talking about the beach, heres a quick reminder of Basic Surf Etiquette, which is something like this:

  • If you're going for it, then go for it!!!
  • Don't chill on the whitewater. If it breaks here, don't be there!!
  • Only big beard longboard stylemasters get to go out without a leash

Another thing you should know is that there's a friggin' cool festival on the beach in mid/late September, which is undoubtedly when the surf is KING all over Portugal. You'll find worlwide surfers in there, with gigantic boards regardless if its big or small surf, doing the slickest moves you didn't know were possible on such big boards. All the while you're sitting on a couch, deep into the jetty, in what you could call a first-row seat to the show. Except in this show you can drink your beer no problem. Needless to remind you how cool the folks organizing this party are.

spoiler: they're Really cool...

Where's Xabrita?

It's been a while... He's nowhere to be seen...

How long can he go unsurfed?...

I'm most definitely unsure about that. Surf's been pumping, it doesn't feel like August at all. Sure, it's mushburgers when the tide rises, but they're more like Big Macs. Just do me a favour, since you're reading this: Don't snitch on me!

But i gotta come clean.

I been using his 400 euro Cole surfboard... Look, man, she's 6 foot tall, as curvy as a wave and even has a batman tramp stamp on her back. And when I lie down on her and start paddling, she GOES!!! It feels like cheating! I just don't want The Man to know I've been taking his board for a spin... I'm sure he wouldn't kill me, but, you know! I know how I'd feel if I saw my blue baby out there with some ugly dude on top... On my favourite wave!! She makes mush burgers feel like caviar. Well, some of them at least.

I can't lie. I'm excited for September because of the festival and the overall quality of surf that is yet to come. So, I won't lie. I AM excited. Really, all I have to do in order to make it work is just not smoke. Cuz when you smoke, your paddling capacity goes down... it's weird, but that's how it goes for me. And there's nothing sadder than missing a wave because I couldn't use my arms any further. It sucks so much, man.